
Do you ever wonder how really fit and healthy people stay fit and healthy for long term? They must be so disciplined right. You’re thinking that you can never be that way because you don’t have the amount of will power they do so what is the point of even trying? Let us ask you this? Do you believe that there are people in the world that are just like you, are in the same situation you are and have the results you want? Absolutely there is! They have the knowledge you need. You just need to figure out what it is. That being said, we want to introduce to you “The Pareto Principle” which is that 80% of your results comes from 20% of what you do. Now, why is this important and how does this tie into a healthy morning? Well, if you start your day by doing...
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Being healthy & fit is hard. We know and we get what you’re going through. There is so much you don’t know and you become unsure if what you’re doing or going to do. You often think to yourself “Is this even worth the time?”. In the beginning you got really excited and even went above and beyond. After a while life gets you again and everything goes back to normal. Physical activity is low and stress is high, this makes it hard for you to get to the finish line. You may have even considered quitting disguised as a long pause. The key word here is consistency and using the little things we need to do daily as our tool. The small things may feel insignificant and make you think “These small things are not going to make a difference” but you know what, they will. We have seen...
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I promise if you read this blog to the end you will be rewarded. Before we get into the 5 ways, there is a secret that you need to know to make all this effective for you. You don’t want to just read and then nothing happens in your life right? Let’s get started. Often times, you know what to do. In your mind you know that you need to workout And move your body. Maybe it’s because your parents have been telling you since you were a kid. You may have seen it in movies or shows that people should exercise. It’s just a must and it’s good for you. Everybody is doing it so you should to and you’re right, exercise does great things for you body. Exercise can change the way you look, feel and will help you live longer but you already know that. So why...
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You already know what we need to get done but why aren’t you doing it? Quite the mystery ain’t it? The problem is that you immediately answer with… “It’s because I am too lazy“ or “I don’t have the motivation” or “I am not disciplined enough” etc. These answers show the bad sides and the flaws of who we are. I feel this is a problem, don’t you? I mean, do you get motivated when someone is talking down on you and making you feel bad about yourself? We would imagine not, so why do you do it to yourself? You may or may not know this but sometime during you upbringing someone close to you was telling you that you aren’t good enough so be better. (I know this blog is about the “3 best ways to make sure you get things done” but I promise it all connects...
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If you’re reading this blog then you know how it feels to walk into a commercial gym. So many things are going through your mind. 1. It is so busy in here and people are staring at me. 2. How do I use these machines? 3. Am I doing this exercise right? 4. Do I stretch before or after? And even more thoughts pile on. It can get overwhelming and how do you go back when all this runs through you mind every time you go and workout. You don’t but maybe you suck it up and go a couple of times but some time down the road you quit because it becomes such a nuisance to deal with so many things just to exercise. So now you are paying for a gym membership that you are not even using. Worst of all, you have been defeated even before you...
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