
Five ways to be more organized sounds like something that you would use for the office or something professional right. But being organized also applies to fitness, in fact it applies to all of life. If you are not organized then you will be lost and overwhelmed. Being overwhelmed is usually the number one reason why people quit. In anything, especially in fitness. So if you do not organize your life, in this case in the area of your health, then you will most likely quit. Because there will come a point where work, relationships And your health will become too heavy to bear. However, if it is organized then it will make your life a lot more easier and simpler. Simple enough to help you keep going until you reach the goal and destination you’re trying to get to. Let me give you an example of why being organized...
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Before I get into it r before you decide to scroll down and check out these three best practises to keep your mind sharp, do you know why you’re doing them? If not then I would want you read this from start to finish because if you don’t know why then it doesn’t matter what we do. Without a full understanding of the things you’re doing will lead you to a dead end. The order actually goes like this, first is to handle your stress. The second is to prioritize your recovery, this means getting enough quality sleep every single day. The third is eating the right foods, nutrient rich foods. The last is your exercise, making sure you are getting stronger or better With your fitness. Why in this order? Think about it, if you are stressed out you will be paralyzed because you are using all your energy...
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So you’re reading this because you fall into a trap of having time to work out and then when times get busy and stressful you stop quit. You’re looking for a way where you can integrate your fitness and health so that it can complement your life. If that is what you want then keep reading. If that is not what you want then I suggest you stop reading this because it will be a waste of your time. If you already have the belief that you can only do it when you have more time or you are waiting for the right time then you have already failed. There is no right time, the best time is right now. I know it sounds like a quote that I stole from someone famous but that is just the truth. Remember the last time you got really fit but fell off...
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If you’re reading this that means you are committed to your success with your fitness goals and that you are taking action to figure out ways of how to achieve your desired outcome. The reason I know this is because if you’re not committed then you wouldn’t be searching for answers like you are right now. I know that sounds obvious but sometimes people don’t see the obvious. And that is what this blog is about. You have already taken the first step which is taking action. The truth is ,even though it is obvious, that only ‘action’ will get you to where you want to be. I know you’re thinking “I just want to know how to use my house as a gym so get to the point” but this is important. Let me say it again, only action will lead you to your goal. If you’re reading this...
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Many of us cannot stick to a diet because there are way too many restrictions, too many distractions and too many factors that are not accounted for. You pick the most effective method but yet it becomes ineffective because of your lifestyle. That is why is blog is about how to be flexible with food. Flexibility helps you expand the way you view your food in a way that it can be fun and exciting. The problem with having too many restrictions when it comes to eating is that we have to use a lot of willpower to avoid foods that we like and also use it to eat the foods that we don’t like. The honest truth is that you only have so much will power in the day. So once that will power runs out and temptation kicks in, you are screwed. You must learn how to be...
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