
You set a goal to lose X amount of weight to feel comfortable wearing the clothes that make you feel confident where ever you go. You imagine yourself walking into a room with people that compliment you on how you have changed physically and mentally. Your friends and family see how much you glow, the only problem is that it is all in your head. You want it so bad but every-time you look in the mirror you still see the same old you. You are stuck. Everyday you are thinking about how your life will change when you achieve your goal but the flip side of that coin is it also discourages you because you are nowhere near it. The lack of progress is making you want to quit because what is the point of all this effort if it takes you nowhere. I feel your pain, I too...
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How the heck is a 15 minute workout going to get me that beach body? Is most likely what you’re thinking? Which is true, every single person you see on a magazine or on instagram that has achieved a god like physique does not do 15 minute workouts. Their workouts are more intense and lasts at least 60 minutes long. Why am I telling you this? I am telling you this because these models that you admire also had to start some where. These people did not just wake up and all of a sudden became consistent with their workouts, no. There was resistance in the beginning. “Why you should do quick workouts.”Let me tell you the story of “How I got into the best shape of my life in 3 months”. Growing up I was teased a lot for my body. I loved food and I had fear of...
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If you believe that your problems are coming from things you can’t control and at the same time you want to be able to handle these stresses in your life then you have landed on the right page. I will share with you 3 ways how you can handle these outside forces that are preventing you from living your best life. Having negative energy inside you, and around you, will only slow the process down to being your best self, don’t you agree? If these negative thoughts and feelings are not in your head, what would your life be like? How would you show up to work? Will you be energetic? More enthusiastic? Will you get promoted to a higher position within your company?How would you interact with your family, friends, and other people? Would you be able to create more time to spend with your kids or grandkids? Will...
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So how do you prevent yourself from falling off the wagon so you can achieve your desired goal? In your mind, you are thinking that if you do not put in 110% in your workout or in your nutrition, you might as well not. All in or nothing is your attitude and to be honest, at times this can really help. However, most of the time it kills your consistency to take daily action and you know this. Think about your current situation or your past experiences. How many times have you told yourself that you would go to the gym or start your diet only to be disappointed because you do not have your ideal circumstances? Be it Christmas dinners that force you to fall off the wagon or thanksgiving dinner where you had more than one slice of pumpkin pie. You then think that your progress is ruined...
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Updated: Nov 3, 2020 It gets confusing, I know. You want to get started but where do you start? You just want to know that your efforts are getting you closer to the results you want. If you keep reading I will reveal to you what I consider the 5 biggest myths when it comes to losing body-fat. So right now you are frozen because there are so many options. You are stuck in paralysis by analysis. Your friends tell you to go on the Keto diet because they lost a tremendous amount of weight. You may also have seen a lot of celebrities in the magazines lose a lot of weight in a short period of time by intermittent fasting. The list goes on. Hearing these kinds of stories are great but now which way is going to be the best for you. So what are the 5 biggest myths?...
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