
If you want to know “THE SECRET” to getting out of your comfort zone so you can finally be more consistent with your health then keep reading. You get inspired to workout and eventually join a gym. It gets exciting up until your doubts creep in. ”What if people judge me?” ”What if I am not doing it right?” ”What if it doesn’t work?” ”What will my friends think?” ”What will my family think?” ”What if I embarrass myself?”All these negative thoughts will creep in your mind before you want to make a change. Why?… It is because your mind evolved to help you survive. Fear is set in our DNA so we don’t go jumping off cliffs. We are supposed to be scared of things we aren’t familiar with. This keeps us alive. However, times have changed. We need to get out of our comfort zone in order to...
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Many of us have this mentality that home workouts won’t do much for our bodies. They don’t feel difficult enough, they might not give you that “pump” and they can get boring. But is relying on the next time you can head to the gym really going to benefit you? Having to adjust to a new routine and a new schedule with everything going on is difficult enough, you really want to add the pressure of going to the gym? Don’t get us wrong, we love the gym, but we love and support something that is manageable and supports our current lifestyle. So WHY do we sometimes encourage home workouts? 1. Less stress Right now with all the changes happening and routines constantly changing, the last thing you need to do is add more pressure and stress to yourself by adding another change. If you’re already doing home workouts, stick...
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You call yourself lazy. Tell yourself you should be productive right now. You should go for a walk and stay active. Stop snacking. I mean, I can go on and on. At this point you feel that this “pandemic” has left you no control over your life. You are going on a downward spiral. You have no idea how you are going to get out of this position. At first you have no time so you couldn’t do what is good for you. Eating healthy and exercising. Now that you do have the time, why is it that you still can’t get yourself to do it? Could it be that you are really just lazy? Could it be because gyms are closed? Could it be your excuses? It could be many things to be honest. I know one thing is for sure, you are not going to get yourself to...
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Your mind is telling you but your body won’t do it. Why? The thought that you have to be healthy, eat healthy, exercise and sleep early is always running in your mind. However, why is it that when you tell yourself to do these things you can’t seem take action on it? In this blog you will find out why this is happening and how you can fix it. There is a reason why you want to be in better shape. Once you find that reason why then you will not have to force yourself to do it. There won’t be any nagging in your head but support. You will feel pulled instead of someone telling you what you should be doing. As human beings, we do not want to be told what to do. We want to be inspired to do it. You know this has happened to you...
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You might feel like a little mess. You’re home now… a LOT, and the times that you’re home, seem to just blend together. You might even be struggling to know what day it is today. You know what you need to do, but you’re struggling to stay consistent. That workout was supposed to be finished by now, but you keep putting it off for later, that turns into a “tomorrow”, that turns into never. You should be cooking your meals, but that too much like your workouts end up rarely happening, so you resort to feeding your hunger through snacks. So what’s missing? One word: ROUTINE. And what is the first step towards building a routine? Having a schedule. Now you might be thinking, but I have a schedule and it doesn’t work. But when’s the last time you looked at your schedule, wrote something into your schedule, or even...
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