
If you want to know “THE SECRET” to getting out of your comfort zone so you can finally be more consistent with your health then keep reading. You get inspired to workout and eventually join a gym. It gets exciting up until your doubts creep in. ”What if people judge me?” ”What if I am...
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You call yourself lazy. Tell yourself you should be productive right now. You should go for a walk and stay active. Stop snacking. I mean, I can go on and on. At this point you feel that this “pandemic” has left you no control over your life. You are going on a downward spiral. You...
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Your mind is telling you but your body won’t do it. Why? The thought that you have to be healthy, eat healthy, exercise and sleep early is always running in your mind. However, why is it that when you tell yourself to do these things you can’t seem take action on it? In this blog...
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As we head toward the New Year (one of our fave times of the year!), it can be super helpful to take a few minutes to think about everything you accomplished this year. How did you do with your goals for 2019? Did you make progress? Or did you set them aside for other goals?...
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