
One of the hardest parts of our fitness journey is staying motivated the whole time. Truth be told, motivation isn’t meant to be there forever. It’s meant to get you on your feet and help you take action, but it is not solely something you should rely on. And if you purely rely on motivation, you will notice your progress will fluctuate a lot. Motivation isn’t the answer to getting to your goal, and the tough answer is just committing to your goal, not giving up, and knowing that if you continue while it’s difficult, it will get easier. Don’t worry, I’ll share with you what I share with my clients when they lack motivation with a step-by-step action plan. Reassessing your Goal The first and most important step is to remind yourself of your goal, and in fact, even reassess and make sure that the goal you maybe set...
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Let’s cancel that all or nothing mentality once and for all… Seriously. Now this sounds harsh, but in reality, you have so many things balanced throughout your life, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t have a balance with your health and fitness. With the New Year we know that the mindset of “starting fresh” or pursuing the “new me” starts. While we encourage everyone to START and not hold back, we also know that the concept of “starting fresh” or achieving a “new me” usually asks of a person to make big changes that don’t fit their lifestyle and that are not sustainable. These big changes seem exciting at first. You’re all for the big changes because you want this year to be a different year. So you go buy all new recipes, you join the gym, you take up reading, you start making your shakes, going to sleep earlier,...
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We’re not going to lie; staying on track with your health goals is more difficult during the summer, especially if you’re pursuing new health goals for the first time. The beach days, road trips, flights, and extra family time or time with friends can throw you off routine. Rather than just accepting hitting pause on your health goals to be the only way, we will tell you that there is a way to still stay on track throughout the summer without having to restart after summer. Trust us, restarting MUCH harder than keeping up a routine. More often than not, people who have to restart their routines after summer tend to fail, but we will leave this for another blog. So where do we start? Reevaluate Your Goals A big part of you will try and keep up the same routine in the summer that you had throughout the rest...
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Being healthy & fit is hard. We know and we get what you’re going through. There is so much you don’t know and you become unsure if what you’re doing or going to do. You often think to yourself “Is this even worth the time?”. In the beginning you got really excited and even went above and beyond. After a while life gets you again and everything goes back to normal. Physical activity is low and stress is high, this makes it hard for you to get to the finish line. You may have even considered quitting disguised as a long pause. The key word here is consistency and using the little things we need to do daily as our tool. The small things may feel insignificant and make you think “These small things are not going to make a difference” but you know what, they will. We have seen...
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Time is one of the most valued principle in a our lives. We know you’re busy with your career, business, school and/or family! When we feel busy, we tend to neglect ourselves first believing that we should leave time for ourselves last, as the rest can’t suffice without us. That is wrong, but for that we would need a whole other blog for. For the sake of this blog, we will assume you know the importance of putting yourself first, and that you’re here to learn how to best do so. So let’s get into it! DO WHAT REALLY SUPPORTS YOUR OVERALL GOAL Are you going out for drinks with friends every week? Maybe twice a week? Are you chatting it up with the neighbours at the gym for too long? Are you hitting snooze and sleeping in until you REALLY need to rush out of the house? Sit down...
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