You set a goal to lose X amount of weight to feel comfortable wearing the clothes that make you feel confident where ever you go. You imagine yourself walking into a room with people that compliment you on how you have changed physically and mentally. Your friends and family see how much you glow, the...Read More
If you believe that your problems are coming from things you can’t control and at the same time you want to be able to handle these stresses in your life then you have landed on the right page. I will share with you 3 ways how you can handle these outside forces that are preventing...Read More
Updated: Nov 3, 2020 It gets confusing, I know. You want to get started but where do you start? You just want to know that your efforts are getting you closer to the results you want. If you keep reading I will reveal to you what I consider the 5 biggest myths when it comes to...Read More
If you want to know “THE SECRET” to getting out of your comfort zone so you can finally be more consistent with your health then keep reading. You get inspired to workout and eventually join a gym. It gets exciting up until your doubts creep in. ”What if people judge me?” ”What if I am...Read More
Many of us have this mentality that home workouts won’t do much for our bodies. They don’t feel difficult enough, they might not give you that “pump” and they can get boring. But is relying on the next time you can head to the gym really going to benefit you? Having to adjust to a...Read More
You call yourself lazy. Tell yourself you should be productive right now. You should go for a walk and stay active. Stop snacking. I mean, I can go on and on. At this point you feel that this “pandemic” has left you no control over your life. You are going on a downward spiral. You...Read More
Your mind is telling you but your body won’t do it. Why? The thought that you have to be healthy, eat healthy, exercise and sleep early is always running in your mind. However, why is it that when you tell yourself to do these things you can’t seem take action on it? In this blog...Read More
You might feel like a little mess. You’re home now… a LOT, and the times that you’re home, seem to just blend together. You might even be struggling to know what day it is today. You know what you need to do, but you’re struggling to stay consistent. That workout was supposed to be finished...Read More
It’s okay, you don’t have to workout because you’re stuck at home ⚠️ This statement is running in your mind and you don’t even know it. Staying at home is great in the beginning because you have more time back but with too much freedom comes chaos. This whole situation feels like a break so...Read More
Your biggest challenge right now is that you have been trying many ways to lose body-fat. You have probably tried the; ❌ketogenic diet ❌intermittent fasting ❌the paleo diet And after watching the documentary “Game Changers” you’re probably thinking about going vegan. Heck, you may be doing it now. The honest truth is that they all...Read More