Do you ever wonder how really fit and healthy people stay fit and healthy for long term? They must be so disciplined right. You’re thinking that you can never be that way because you don’t have the amount of will power they do so what is the point of even trying? Let us ask you...Read More
To live a healthy lifestyle, what does that even mean? Read this blog all the way to the end to discover the main things that will lead to your desired results and to finally feel like you’re on the right track. If you don’t read this until the end increase the risk of you staying...Read More
So how do you prevent yourself from falling off the wagon so you can achieve your desired goal? In your mind, you are thinking that if you do not put in 110% in your workout or in your nutrition, you might as well not. All in or nothing is your attitude and to be honest,...Read More
Updated: Nov 3, 2020 It gets confusing, I know. You want to get started but where do you start? You just want to know that your efforts are getting you closer to the results you want. If you keep reading I will reveal to you what I consider the 5 biggest myths when it comes to...Read More
Your biggest challenge right now is that you have been trying many ways to lose body-fat. You have probably tried the; ❌ketogenic diet ❌intermittent fasting ❌the paleo diet And after watching the documentary “Game Changers” you’re probably thinking about going vegan. Heck, you may be doing it now. The honest truth is that they all...Read More
I know most people can relate to this, especially right before summer season hits. Fitness may just be a routine for people but to me it is everything. I was not just able to change my physical state but also my career, my relationships, and my mental state is a lot better before I started...Read More
It’s getting warm outside!!! I don’t know about you, but I’m loving it. There’s so, so, many benefits to being out in the sun, and we want to make a whole other post about that. Is that something that would interest you? Comment below. Anyways, you came here for a workout. This is a killer...Read More
Try these exercise for your next HIIT session post your workout. This is a much more effective way to burn calories and also save time. Doing 16 minutes of this is equivalent to 40 minutes on the treadmill. Here are the fat burning exercises 🔥: -Skaters -BOSU Hop Overs -DB Thrusters -BOSU Burpees x 4...Read More
We all love desserts this time of year, we at least we do. Most desserts however, are really high in sugars! So we thought, while we all want to still enjoy those, why don’t we give you a lower calorie option dessert to make and enjoy for yourself, or take to some dinner party. That...Read More
Every year you find it to be the same thing. The holidays come around and this just means you’re going to gain weight, but why? You find the holidays make you really busy, seeing families, buying gifts, going to parties. The food temptations make you forget about your diet because the diet is too stressful...Read More
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