Since we’ve started our business, our workouts started to lose their quality.⠀ For a almost a year, we were going in and doing the workouts, just because it was a habit and because we knew we had to 😅⠀ We would get them done but we would not feel like we were completing much besides...Read More
As we head toward the New Year (one of our fave times of the year!), it can be super helpful to take a few minutes to think about everything you accomplished this year. How did you do with your goals for 2019? Did you make progress? Or did you set them aside for other goals?...Read More
As we get ready for 2020, we wanted to share something that will help you create a game-changing year. It’s SO SIMPLE and it always works!! Have you ever noticed how successful people all have one basic thing in common? They take small, consistent actions toward their goals … and they don’t stop. It’s like...Read More
Time to blow your mind. We didn’t create this workout for you to help burn off any extra treats you eat. Although, it will definitely help you with that. We created it to help improve the QUALITY of your life. You already know how it works. Exercise can help you sleep better, cut your stress...Read More
You can thank us later for this… It’s an insanely awesome (and easy) recipe that’s perfect for your own holiday parties, or to bring with you to a potluck. These meatballs are healthy, but no one eating them would ever know! They’re a little tangy, a little sweet, and packed with a lot of protein...Read More
That pressure. You know what we’re talking about. Yes, it’s an amazing and magical time of year, but it also brings with it a ton of expectations. There’s time pressure, gift-giving pressure, social pressure, and even pressure to make it through the holidays with a smile. There’s also less sunshine, which can put a real...Read More
Let’s be real here, how many years can you look back at where you’ve been able to stick to your healthy regime throughout the holiday season? You’re so good right now. All the efforts you put towards going to the gym are starting to pay off. You’ve been consistent with both the gym and you’re...Read More
I know most people can relate to this, especially right before summer season hits. Fitness may just be a routine for people but to me it is everything. I was not just able to change my physical state but also my career, my relationships, and my mental state is a lot better before I started...Read More
It’s getting warm outside!!! I don’t know about you, but I’m loving it. There’s so, so, many benefits to being out in the sun, and we want to make a whole other post about that. Is that something that would interest you? Comment below. Anyways, you came here for a workout. This is a killer...Read More
Try these exercise for your next HIIT session post your workout. This is a much more effective way to burn calories and also save time. Doing 16 minutes of this is equivalent to 40 minutes on the treadmill. Here are the fat burning exercises 🔥: -Skaters -BOSU Hop Overs -DB Thrusters -BOSU Burpees x 4...Read More