One of the hardest parts of our fitness journey is staying motivated the whole time. Truth be told, motivation isn’t meant to be there forever. It’s meant to get you on your feet and help you take action, but it is not solely something you should rely on. And if you purely rely on motivation,...Read More
We’re not going to lie; staying on track with your health goals is more difficult during the summer, especially if you’re pursuing new health goals for the first time. The beach days, road trips, flights, and extra family time or time with friends can throw you off routine. Rather than just accepting hitting pause on...Read More
Time is one of the most valued principle in a our lives. We know you’re busy with your career, business, school and/or family! When we feel busy, we tend to neglect ourselves first believing that we should leave time for ourselves last, as the rest can’t suffice without us. That is wrong, but for that...Read More
So you’ve had that membership for a while that you’ve been paying for. You’ve been meaning to go, but just the thought of getting through the front doors of the gym makes you start to sweat. However, you’ve been doing that same home workout for a while, and you KNOW that you finally need to...Read More
Wake up, get dressed, grab a coffee, go to work, skip breakfast, work more, eat lunch, go to the gym to workout, eat dinner, and REPEAT. Society has done a good job at teaching people to work hard for their fitness goals. People go on crazy diets or do crazy workouts, and while working out...Read More
Most of the time when people hear the word journal they think of a person writing in a diary of how the day went. The truth is, when you use a journal properly it can give you great benefits such as reaching your goal. If you had the secret tool to use to reach your...Read More
If you’re reading this blog then you know how it feels to walk into a commercial gym. So many things are going through your mind. 1. It is so busy in here and people are staring at me. 2. How do I use these machines? 3. Am I doing this exercise right? 4. Do I...Read More
To live a healthy lifestyle, what does that even mean? Read this blog all the way to the end to discover the main things that will lead to your desired results and to finally feel like you’re on the right track. If you don’t read this until the end increase the risk of you staying...Read More
“Nutrition“ is this vague word that you tend to throw around but only have a small idea of what it means. Sure you can look it up in the dictionary but what does it mean to you? What kind of pictures comes to mind when you think of nutrition? What is your life like with...Read More
Have you ever had a day where no matter what you do you still end up feeling bad. This bad feeling can go on for days and sometimes weeks. Maybe on the weekend you feel great but even on those days it can still be a hit and miss. On a rare occasion though for...Read More